Being shy as a consequence of hearing loss, in conjunction with heavy reliance on lip-reading, makes it difficult for me to fully engage in daily conversations. From a young age, I have been highly reliant on lip-reading. I later found out that this had delayed my communication development and made me a very introverted and shy person who takes a while to warm up to people. I had undiagnosed hearing loss until I was in Year One. Jessica initially took up biochemistry in her first year, but soon decided to go with Commerce and combine Accounting and Business Law to gain technical skills, interact and collaborate with more people and get a better understanding about the world of business. She is currently in her last semester majoring in Accounting and Business Law. Jessica was born into an Indonesian family with severe hearing-loss and began wearing hearing aids when she was eight years old. Not letting hearing loss get in the way of learning A strong grounding in business law is increasingly being seen as an attractive attribute for potential employers, as the personal liability of professionals, business managers and public servants continues to grow.
You'll acquire knowledge and skills that empower you to intelligently request, understand and act on legal services and advice.
You'll learn how to recognise and analyse potential legal problems that can arise from common business transactions. You'll learn about the law relating to contract, torts, corporations, agency, partnership, fiduciary obligations, taxation, banking, secured transactions, e-commerce, intellectual property, consumer protection and international commercial law. Gain a solid understanding of the Australian legal system and how it impacts on business and commercial transactions. It will equip you with important skills in teamwork and in written and oral communication, as well as high-level analytical, problem-solving and research skills.
This major focuses on the fundamental relationship between law and business and is ideal for those planning careers in a range of business areas including professional accounting, business management, international trade and industrial relations. This major also lays the foundations for a successful postgraduate studies in law. Business Law is an ideal major for anyone planning a career in the business or government sectors.